Saturday, September 11, 2010


 I love my country. From the “purple mountains majesty” to the “amber waves of grain.”  I love what is stands for and hopefully will continue to stand for. I love that we are free to go to football games on Friday night. I love that at the beginning of each NASCAR race someone says a prayer, and not a moment of silence. I love that I am free to worship in my church every Sunday morning without fear. I love the history of our nation. I love that for over 200 years, we have fought for our freedoms and what we believed and still believe in. I love to see the Stars and Stripes wave in the wind. I love the words to our national anthem. I love that upon hearing them and singing them, I cry. I love patriotic songs. “My Country Tis Of Thee” , “American the Beautiful” and “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” are some of my favorites. And yes, I cry when I sing them also. I love that after the terrorist attacks on 9/11, our country was bursting with national pride, that I’m sure can be argued we haven’t seen since the days of World War II. I love the war memorials in Washington D.C.. And yes, I cried walking through them too. I cried walking through Arlington National Cemetery.  So much sacrifice and love for fellow country men has been laid to rest there.

Nine years. I can still remember it clearly. I was in 8th grade in my science class. My teacher came running in telling us a plane hit the World Trade Centers. I had never even heard of the World Trade Centers. I remember watching in horror every time they showed the clips, but also not being able to watch anything else. I was not directly affected by the event. I did not lose anyone. Still, the events of September 11, 2001 reminded me that our  nation is vulnerable.

I often wonder how much our nation really understands self-sacrifice these days. As I reflect on the events of nine years ago, I am reminded that some do. Who could forget the hundreds of firefighters, policemen and EMTs that rushed into the inferno that was collapsing. Anytime I hear “Let’s Roll” I think of  Todd Beamer who, together with others, managed to thwart the terrorists in the fourth plane, and instead of crashing into another highly populated area, crashed in a random Pennsylvania field. I think of the brave men and women at the Pentagon, who were already serving their country.  And of course the men and women who are in our armed services.

O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life

Nothing irks me more, than selfish people who, for whatever reason, do not agree on military things. Whether you support the decisions or not, you should NEVER criticize our service members who are volunteering to fight and die for you!

While our country is obviously in a desperate state, I reflect on the past. I also remember that God said “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, turning from their evil ways, then I will hear their prayers and heal their lands.” I know I’m a little rusty on the verse but it is 2 Chronicles 7:14.

As many of us watch replays of the events of September 11, I pray that we remember the emotions we felt that day. That we turn to God as we did that day. That we remember our nations rich heritage of Godliness and virtuous decisions. That we return to the path that our forefathers set out for us when they “brought forth on this continent a new nation.” Despite all the conspiracy theories that our founding fathers were devil-worshipping freemasons, I know they believe in God. And therefore established a nation whose foundation was God.

I encourage you to remember our nation’s heritage and history. Read over some patriotic songs and really comprehend the words and meanings they hold.

I’ll leave you with the last verse of “My Country Tis of Thee” and “America the Beautiful.” Think about these words. They mean so much more that just the words to the song.

Our father’s God to Thee
Author of Liberty
To Thee we sing,
Long may our land be bright
With freedom’s holy light
Protect us by Thy might
Great God our King.

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears

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