Monday, July 9, 2012

Enter to Win!

So I started ripping out my second bathroom wall today. In honor of that, enter Megan's giveaway over at In This Wonderful Life. Visa gift card and Sherwin Williams gift card. We all could use free money!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 3: 24 Day Challenge

Well, started my day with corn shucking again. Also had peas to shell today. Woo-hoo!

So toast for breakfast- along with some almonds and blueberries randomly throughout the morning. Had a piece of beef jerky too. (It's low sodium.)

Lunch was all fresh veggies again. :)

I haven't made dinner yet. I think I'll make me a tuna sandwich again. It was good.

And I'm tired. And also have a headache. (Again.) Scale is down some more. We'll wait and see in the morning. I'm done with my fiber drinks for a few days. Thank. Goodness! It's getting easier to not crave the bad food though. And I can tell a difference in how I feel. Need to start exercising with it tomorrow!

Cute new calf at my Grandmother's house. 

 Saw this on Pinterest today. Make anyone laugh?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 2: 24 Day Challenge there were several times yesterday where I was starving! Or so I thought. I snacked on lots of blueberries and cottage cheese (not lots of this) and it helped. I hadn't gone to the grocery store to get anything yet so blueberries were my BFFs. Also had some carrots.

OK. So fiber drink again this morning. (It's really not so bad mixed with Spark.) Had a piece of 100% whole grain toast with an egg on top. Sprinkled with a little garlic powder. Pretty good!

Snacks in the morning were blueberries and cottage cheese again. Frozen blueberries are really good too. Actually snacks all day were blueberries.

For lunch I opened a can of Starkist Tuna and mixed with 1 tablespoon of canola mayo (Hellmans. Just sounds better calling it canola) Also cut up a tomato and put that on top of it. Now, I'm not a lover of tuna. But this was good. Oh, made it into a sandwich.

For dinner I went to Ryan's house and cooked. Even though I wasn't at home it was still easy. We had shrimp (sautéed , mixed with a little olive oil and seasoning), broccoli and fresh corn.

Not sure, because I didn't weight myself at the beginning, but I may have already lost a pound or two. I weight at my Grandma's the other day at......147 (yes, I've got some chub) and was at 144 today (on a different scale too) Not sure the accuracy, but hey I'll take it!

Instead of working out or anything I just sat on my butt and we watched Transformers: Dark of the Moon. I love me some Transformers. Like seriously. I cry in the movies at sad parts. Also, I wish Optimus Prime was real. If he was I would marry him. True statement. Ask Ryan. :)

Went grocery shopping at Walmart on my way home. BTW- the best time to go shopping at Walmart is 10 at night. I was in and out with a buggy full in 20 minutes. At Walmart. Yes. It really happened.

Oh and this. I really hate drying my hair in the summer. It takes forever because it is long and thick. My hair is naturally curly, but I don't always love leaving it like that as it can get out of hand rather quickly. I like braids, but sometimes the shorter pieces of my hair don't like them back. I've started french twisting (I guess that's what it is) my hair around the edges to keep my bangs and the short pieces out of my face. Today I finally did it all the way around my head. I Loved it! You can't really see in this picture. I put in a picture of what it looks like from the front. Super easy (took about 3 minutes to go all the way around-vs 15 drying my hair!) I did have to dry and straighten the part I left down, but it was 5 minutes tops!

I hate taking pictures of myself. Awkward.

And for the best part of the day!!!!

My sister sent me this pic of little bit today. How I miss her! 

-Be Still My Heart-

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 1 of 24 Day Challenge

Ok. So did the fiber drink this morning. I use the citrus one and mix it with Spark. Makes it go down much easier! Still thick from the fiber but doesn't taste bad. Today I used fruit punch. Also like it with grape. I've heard it doesn't mix with spark as well if you have the peaches and cream one.

For breakfast I just had a piece of 100% whole grain wheat bread. It's important that it be 100% whole grain. Not just whole wheat. I was too full of the fiber drink and 8oz of water you have to drink after to eat anything else!

For lunch I had all fresh veggies from my grandmothers garden.

We also shucked 250 ears of corn this morning. I couldn't stop singing "I'm a going to the shuckin' of the corn."

Ok. So lunch. All fresh mind you. Red potatoes. Tomatoes. Cucumbers. Corn. Green beans. Cantaloupe. It was yummy. Probably could have done without the corn and potatoes. But I didn't put any butter. Just some salt. I'd say I've got my servings of veggies for the day.

If I have time between the homework I have (seriously, what teacher assigns two of the major projects for the class to be due on the same day?) I may go get some cottage cheese from the store. Love me some moldy milk curds!

For dinner I had chicken breast with some brown rice and tomatoes with balsamic dressing. Since its a vinaigrette dressing it's not as bad I think. Yum.O.

Also if I have time I'm going to go run at the track. Tomorrow I may start practicing getting up at 5 am for boot camp and just going to exercise then.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

24 Day Challenge

Ok...I've apparently gone off my rocker lately. Starting July 9th, I'm going to be doing a boot camp (that starts at 5:15 in the morning. Yes. I'm aware I'm insane.) Anywho- in preparation for it, and also just because I'd like to feel better and hopefully lose a little cushioning in rather obvious places (ahem, the girls up top!!) I'm going to start the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge. Tomorrow. I think if maybe I blog it, it will help me be accountable for what I eat and how much I exercise.

Tomorrow I'll try to measure and weight all the fun sized areas of me.

So this means that today (er, tomorrow actually) is June 20. I'll finish on....I've got to look at a calendar. (And yes, Mrs. Russell would be ashamed of me for not being able to figure it out in my head. I was on the Number Sense team in high school and we were rather good.)
Ok. July 13. Magic Number.

Let's Do This!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break! Part 3

Ok. So after seeing Kensi. Then my Blondies. I went back to Kensi. And took these. OMG. I cannot even begin to share with you all the awesome faces she made in this photo shoot. Also, I made her the little bird and eggs outfit and skirt. Think this was probably the only time she got to wear it. But it was super cute!
 Newest thing.
 One Million...Bottles!
 What you say Willis?
 Be still my heart.
 Just love this expression.
 She looks like something is scaring her.
I'm sure she'll really appreciate me for this one later on!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Break! Part 2

So I spent several days with my Blondies, as noted before. Duh. We had lots of fun! Went to LegoLand and an aquarium in the Grapevine Mills Mall. And unfortunately I've lost my pictures!

 However. I did find Nemo and Dory. And I thought it was too funny/coincidence not to take a picture. 


My two girls and their BFF. Love getting to see them!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Break! Part 1

Ok, so I'm not one to party it up during spring break. In fact, I like to spend mine with three certain girls that I love to pieces.

So started it off with this little one. Who is 3 months old.

How. The. Heck. Did. That. Happen?

Seriously. She was just this little bundle.

Anyways, let's move on before I get all teary-eyed. Crap. Too late.

I spent a day and a half with her before going over to see my Blondies for a few days too.

Coming Next!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

New School!

I'm starting a new school! Yay! Or I started, I should say. First week under the belt.

I finished student teaching at Dunbar (relieved) and don't get me wrong. Loved it. But I am not cut out for fourth grade attitudes! I think I have too much of one myself. Anyways. Loved my teacher. Learned a lot!!

Moved on to Highland Park. Kindergarten. Right up my ally. And let me just say. Fell in love with the younger ages even more. Love it! Can't wait to learn so much. And I love my teacher over here. She is so much fun. Crazy, but who wouldn't be after spending 7 months with 24 5 year olds....

Just. Sayin. Guess this is my future. ;)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

We Think She is A Genious!

So I went and helped my sister move this past weekend. Long story short. It's a bad apartment (bugs) so she will be moving again. But in our short stay there, the little bit managed to show off for us.

At 9 weeks old, she held her own bottle. I think she just got tired of waiting around for us to feed her. :)

Pics or it didn't happen? Alright!

Oh! And Happy Leap Year!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

She Can Bring A Grown Man To His Knees

I love that my little brother ( who is 18 and actually much bigger than me) is not too proud or manly to be quite smitten with our little cousins.

But now that he's Uncle Brett, I'm not sure there's much hope for him. Someone has him wrapped around their tiny fingers. And let me just add, someday, someone will be VERY lucky to have him for a husband/dad.
Uncle Brett holding Kensi for the first time. Tell me he does not adore her!

Kensi looking at Uncle Brett.


Kensi loves her Uncle Brett and just loves to laugh at him!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Spent the weekend before Valentine's Day taking pictures of this little love! I'll let the pictures do the talking.
 Got to hold this sleeping beauty when I got to town. Everything is right in the world when holding a sleeping baby.

She took a bath. Loves them.

Grinning for Aunt Bets after bath. With crazy hair and all. One of my favorite pictures of us.

Photo shoot time!
 All time favorite from this shoot!

All time favorite from this shoot!

Love this little bird outfit. L.O.V.E!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

These Girls Got Game!

OK, so Meagan and Mackenzie are playing basketball. And you wouldn't think these two short, petite, white girls could play ball. But you would be wrong! They are fierce! I definitely wouldn't want to be their opponents. And if you don't believe me, just check out the faces in some of these pictures! 

Check out this face. 

Cutest basketball player ever!

Three against one. And she's like a fourth their size.